Lowongan Staff Keuangan PT Budi Tulusrejo -
August 25, 2009
Trading company leading the industry in Surabaya take a smart young professionals, like the challenge and have the willingness and ability to work hard to join and progress with us, as:
* Female, age 25 to 32 years
* S-1 Accounting / Management with IP min. 3.00
* Min. can operate Ms.Excel, Ms.Word
* Analytical, agile and able to work according to targets set
* Having a human relations & communication skills Good
* Be responsible and honest / trustworthy
* Minimal command of English is a passive
* More emphasis when experienced at least 2 (two) years in the field of Finance
If you meet the above requirements, Send your complete application with recent passport photo, not later than 1 week from the date of loading of the email: